Christmas. How lovely. It never feels full blown until Christmas morning and I realize that I have a day off. I don't have to listen to an angry customer, don't have to fix any problems, don't have to focus on sales, boost morale, or think about the food court. My ideal gift, is, in fact, being home.
I spent last night with two favorites at a dive bar. Realizing halfway through that this was the last weekend before Christmas, that this was the weekend of Holiday parties galore, and festive festivities every which way at every popular bar. Girls wearing elf suits and santa hats.. This was supposed to be everyone's crazy weekend.
Sat at the dive bar. Beer. Talking about nothing in particular other than, working in the mall ( since we all do ), teenaged mutant ninja turtles, cookies, life long dreams of becoming a kung-fu master, and who is this dude...?
"Hey guys, you all having a good night? Anyone need a drink?"
"Yeah, that's cool. Man.. I haven't slept in weeks. It's terrible. Ever since Heath Ledger died..."
.. He died almost a year ago..?
"Oh yeah.. Told you it's been rough, I haven't slept. I celebrate his death every night. I'm only twenty. What am I even doing here?"
Follow that up with the small man talking to Thomas about how much he wants to join a band and asking him how to write a bridge, and his friend informing me that the orange in my beer was huge and looked "like a condor."
And to shortly there after say at random "Dave Grohl sucks."
How very strange.
On my way home I watched a guy wreck his car all by himself. We were crossing the bridge and he swirved a little, then spun around drag racing style, hit the side of the bridge, spun the other way and ended up on the other side, facing the wrong direction on the highway.
It was 3:30 in the morning. I was the only one who saw him do it and luckily far enough back to not get involved in the act. I pulled over and asked if he was alright as he walked across the street to pick up his bumper. He said "Yeah definitely! No big deal!"
I asked if he needed me to call anyone or if he needed water...? I have so much water in my car at any given point of time.
He said "Nope! I have triple A!"
Dandy. He was really chipper for having just destroyed his car.
These holidays feel more and more like any other day each year.
That being said, I am entirely grateful for the people in my life right now. I've made a conscious effort over the past year to be the better version of myself. When you surround yourself with good people, that task isn't all that difficult.
Dear customers who won't stop freaking out about "IF I CAN'T HAVE IT BY CHRISTMAS THEN I DON'T WANT IT,"
There are better things in life.
Like gay penguins.
Good people.
Fake trees.
And condor looking oranges.
Life will go on.
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