To finish the year, I broke down my car. There was nothing wrong with it aside from my own stupid mistake. It was out of commission for days. But in the process of a stupid mistake, a really cool thing happened;

A deer died and I acquired this at 3:00 AM. Felt bad for the deer for sure, but what a shame to leave its perfectly good antler laying in the middle of the road, detached and unscathed by the mess that was it's owner. R.I.P. huge deer. I'll remember you always.
Moving on through the week, my father, who was out of town, graciously allowed me to make use of his car (aka - he was out of town, and it was available. Why would I not take it? ).
New Years Eve decided it would allow all hell to break loose weather wise. It threatened every plan, but lost to the salt trucks and winter coats. Overall, my most loved new years in a while. Granted, last years in Buffalo with the people I've held close to me for years upon years, was a trip. No pun intended. But this year I got exactly what I wanted. Dive bar, party, no drama. The bucket full of gin and Fresca being dispensed by turkey basters was an added bonus. I managed to kiss not a soul at midnight, but I think I toasted to Monica. And I'd say a handful got a cheek kiss. The most staggering cheek kiss of my ... most recent... life.
Everyone was really happy. I remember playing london bridge with two people I don't know. We made someone turn the tv on to watch the ball drop, and I don't even think I watched it. I was too busy making no sense with the most amazing mouse/bunny/cat mug full of wine in my hand.
It couldn't have been more fun.
The miracle, no hangover the next morning. Could have been the hot dog I ate at 1:30 am. Or, it could have been my ratio of straight liquor to sweetened drinks. 7:2 I'd say. Ingenious.
December 1, 2009. Sunny. Lazy.
Killed my dad's car. That's TWO cars in THREE days. This is full of ratios. Possible cause - Leaving a door slightly open all night, allowing the interior light to shine on through the early morning/afternoon hours, slowly, proficiently, killing the battery.
"Did you leave the lights on?"
I wish it were that easy. The lights turn off when the car is shut off.
Really, the only possibility would be the interior light. Meaning, much worse could have happened to this precious, loud, sports car.
Nevertheless, the problem was solved. Called mah Dad on the way home. He offered to drive my (FIXED!) car to my place so we could trade. Yayyy..
He arrives five minutes after I do. Such good timing. Take his keys off of my key clip and notice how bare it looks... What's missing...?
Work keys.
Had to open the store. Can't seem to manage that without the keys to do so.
Again, problem was resolved shortly after it arose. Someone said eating sauerkraut on the first day of the new year was good luck.
I managed to eat TWO servings.. And still run into glitches in the system. I'm hoping this means the rest of my year will pan out fantastically. I suppose there's only one way to find out.
Though I make my resolutions around the time of my birthday, I have decided on some easy ones.
a) Get healthy. Take my vitamins. Take deep breaths. Worry only when I need to. Make sure my buttocks doesn't shrink more than it has. We're instilling the summer "gain six HEALTHY pounds" again.
b) More adventures. Many more. I want to travel. Five to 1,000 miles away. I want to see the parts that I've missed before. Or the parts that I've been missing in my heart.
c) Get back to the basics. When I was younger, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. Well, I grew up and never established a profession in the field. Whether discouraged or busy, slowly let go of that part of myself. I realized a few days ago though, I've always been an artist. Never had to grow up to become one. That's what I am. I may never make a career out of it, but it's written in me. Right along side the conflicted realist vs. constant day dreamer acting out every scenario in life in her head. Just in case it happens in real life, I'll be ready for it. Nestled in with the girl who was never that popular because small talk and fake smiles just were not her thing. That makes people think you're not cool. Or not nice.
Give me the real people with good vibes and raw emotions.
d) Be aware.
I've been aware. You get burned and you learn. You don't learn how to not how to not get burned again, but how it feels to get burned. And how to not be the person that makes other people feel that way. It was brought to my attention the other day that very few people follow this. When I'm considered "weird" for something that I thought was normal makes me all the more conscious of my motions. Don't be that guy.
Perhaps I'd say I won't judge people as much. But when you work in the mall, and you have to hear these pretty little girls talk about "Well, I need to get something that I really REALLY love before I get rid of something that I just KIND OF love.." while scarfing down General Tso's with fried rice and a side of lo mein (as the vegetable I might add), it's hard not to think of mass population as shallow and mindless.
But maybe, just maybe, I'll find it in me to shut it all out and smile. Or, I'll stick to resolution letter C, and go back to the basics of raising one eyebrow and keeping my mouth shut just long enough to make it awkward.
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