That's him with the beard and bow legs next to my dream car. Scion XD. Sometimes we go to car shows together and he figures out ways to get me to buy a brand new car. It's his thing. I don't mind it.
So this is my Ode to Dad.
Nevermind. I'm not in rhyming poetic mode.
But this is to my Dad --- You talk to me about money and cars. When you think about it, we're kind of like thugs. All of your clothes fit me and I'm okay with that. Just in case I ever need a sweet old polo or t-shirt from the 70's or 80's, I'll know where to find it. I think it's funny that after having Daisy put down you put her in the basement freezer (in a Giant Eagle bag, in a box) because the ground was too frozen solid to dig her a proper burial hole. And that you never told Mom. And that she only found out last week.. Meanwhile, it's been at least a month. And I think that it's funny when there is an attempt at a heart to heart between you and I and lines like "Well, I think you're an okay daughter," and "I'm sure you'd make good tips serving, I mean, you're not dumb looking, you know?" and "You could probably model. Just get on it because no one will want to work with you when you're old in a few years," come out.
I also really like it when you walk around the house wearing your motorcycle helmet and all we can see are your eyes. And when you ask me questions like "What's a dominatrix?"
So, to my Dad, Happy Birdday.
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