So on my way to work today I saw a hawk chillin on a telephone wire. Not a normal place to find a hawk. This telephone wire just so happened to be infront of a spot that used to be poplulated by some dense tree masses.
I'm far from a tree hugger. I like meat. But this made me feel just as pissed off as that hawk. I would sit outside my once home too if someone cut it all down.
How can I explain life in general?
It's good.
It's life.
It's experiences.
Ashley and I made CHAI & HONEY cupcakes with honey whipped cream icing.
Went to the store to get necessary supplies.
Somehow managed to forget A) Eggs. B) Butter. Of course.
We could've gone back to the store. But it just wasn't enough for us to do that.
So we had the boy who was delivering pizza to the house to bring us the egg we needed. And we used the (possibly not enough) toast butter out of her fridge. Crumbs and all.
No timer on the oven. No problem. We used our noses.
Honey whipped cream icing not sweet enough? Not a problem, we'll accidentally drop way too much powdered sugar into it, start a new batch, make it too thick, drop it on the floor, and have everyone like our first attempt with the too much sugar (oh AND some salt) in it, anyway.
Basically what we need is our own cooking show. It will go through all the things that happen when you're strapped. When you lack ingredients. When you seem to have messed it all up. When you're drunk off wine and can't stop making "that's what she said," jokes while people are playing banjo's in the other room.
Cupcake outcome? Perfect for holidays or breakfast. Not too sweet. Not to difficult. Ashley's suggestion of injecting them with a creamcheese icing next time will probably make them the most delicious things.
Seems as though we need some practice before opening our own cupcake bakery though!
Up for the challenge.
Now I will partake in my new favorite bad for my wallet beverage, sugar free Dirty Chai Tea w/ soy. From Steamers. Dream worthy.
Thank you and goodnight.
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