I love it. I know you've seen em. The magnolia trees. My all time favorites. There was one in the backyard of my old house but for some reason it was always referred to as a dogwood tree. It's definitely not. But from what I understand, it's a common mistake. Magnolias. Prettiest things out there. Especially when their petals start to fall. I'd like to preserve the full flower on a branch but I'm coming to find that the only way I can find that is to go to downtown Pittsburgh and stare at the giant metal magnolia tree statues they put up.
Gorgeously realistic.
Well whatever. This weather is starting to turn around. I've begun my GYM regimine. So far it consists of trying to avoid other gym goers, walking on the treadmill at a near jog pace and incline (since I hate running AND elipticals), making use of the tanning booth, and watching the mens lift 100 lbs with their legs and adjusting the weights to 45 lbs for myself. It's great!
I even bought a sports bra. It was necessary.
Pretty bummed to be missing Kings of Leon tonight. My newest plan was to either WIN tickets or beat someone up for theirs. But I'm busy and fairly passive as of late so here I am... Not at the show.
HOWEVER -- Totally stoked for this weekend.
I will be attending my FIRST Art all Night event. I have to work at 11 the next morning so I can't fully take advantage of the "all night" aspect of it, but I'm really excited for it! Last year over 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) people attended. You can submit your own artwork. People place bids. There are bands playing. And, it's all FREE. F-R-E-E. Take that "bad economy." We've found a way around your plan restricting advances.
Hooray. Okay. Speaking of economy. Seems everyone is very much into crunching their numbers, crunching their plans, crunching their wallets. I feel as though I spend just as much cash money as what I have before BUT... Seems as though I'm not. Last pay period I found a strange surplus of money in my account. Enough to make me wonder what on earth I've cut back on.
The answer: Nothing.
I guess I just don't buy things that I only feel "eh" on.
But, I've decided, if everyone else is cutting back, perhaps I will too. So instead of buying mall food every day of the week, I've decided to buy food via grocery store and bring it into work. Saving on average $2-5 a day. I like the odds.
So today I brought in my Kashi Garden Vegetable Pasta ( $2.50 ) and my peppermint tea bags ( $1.67 -- for a box ). I would have gave myself a pat on the back except after eating my really delicious dinner ( surprised? I was. ) I went upstairs to the candy store and loaded up on $4.98 worth of Asian rice crackers and seaseme sticks.
Making my total for today, $8.75 (roughly).
I've just been introduced to Mint.com.
It's a site that will calculate all of your spendings and put them into a nice little pie chart for you so you can see where you spend most of your money. You can even set weekly/montly limits for yourself and it will send you a warning via e-mail when you near that limit.
I'm curious and terrified all at the same time. Not so terrified to find out when and where I spend my money.. But terrified of all the money thoughts consuming my every day life. Sometimes waking up is stressful in itself. I don't think I want to add the conscious thought of $$$$ to my every day life. I'd just get sick to my stomach to feel as though I have to NOT spend money ever because "times are tough," or whatever. Maybe it will work for some people, but for me, simply not thinking about my money is the best way for me to spend/save properly. Perhaps I'll try it for a month and cancel it afterwards. Just to test the waters.
So long! So many other things coming up! Must blog about soon (tomorrow).
Go hug a tree and kiss the ground!
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