When was a bumble bee sexy?
I for one have never seen a bumble bee pornography.
Working at the Hot Topic gives me free range of whatever sexy costume I want at a lovely discounted price. I went for the can can dancer. It covers my butt. I like the color green. I love feathers. And long gloves are a good idea when it's cold.
After last nights wedding I'm feeling all prettied out.
Therefore, I may resort to the plan B costume. A BLACKHOLE. I'll wear all black. Paint my face black. Glue a couple solar systems and stars and space ships to my belly and suck down drinks with my magnetic pull.
"That sounds like something all those science nerds in high school would do."
[FOR THE RECORD - I was in the chemistry club in high school. Chemical experiments and pizza, how could you go wrong?]
Yeah, so what, maybe the science nerds would so that. I like black holes though. And I like being warm. I also enjoy magnets and consumption.
If all else fails, I'll go with my new discovered talent;

Looking like an Olsen twin on drugs.
Don't worry, this was not my wedding attire.
1 comment:
So this is extremely random...
But I found your blog because I typed into Google, "I'm always going somewhere in my dreams"...and amazingly, (when I typed it enclosed with quotation marks) your blog is the only thing that came up.
So anyway, even though this seems to be over 2 years old, I thought I'd say hello.
And, fyi, I am always going somewhere in my dreams, too. It's pretty tiring. Instead of sleep = rest and recuperation, sleep = no sleep for me.
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