Sunday, November 2, 2008

One extra hour of pretty.

I went to bed at 1:30 last night (this morning) and woke up at 8.
Eight o'clock am?
I thought I was fooling myself so I tried to sleep more.
No luck.

I had set THREE alarms because I KNEW I would want to sleep in on a Sunday since that's my norm and due to an extreme lack of sleep from the night before.

But no. 8am. Wide awake.

It wasn't until 6:30 this evening that I realized (OKAY - I was TOLD) daylight savings hit. I could've sworn it was supposed to take place Sunday's crossing into Monday's. I passed out right before it happened! Eight hours of sleep. Without knowing it. Score.

Now I'll just count down the days until it's still light out at 9 pm. That's the best time of the year.

Kill time here:
Daylight Savings

Read "anecdotes" and "why." Especially the impact of voter turn out.
Oh the difference an hour can make...

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