Monday, November 17, 2008

Kate Nash

I'm listening.

Now it's not that I didn't know who Kate Nash was. "Pumpkin Soup" was insanely catchy. One of those songs you got stuck in your head at the most inopportune moments and couldn't help humming "I just want your kiss boy.." out loud "I just want your kisssss.." You really can't stop yourself from dancing to it. Nor singing way loud to it when it's on. You can't even turn it off.
And you wished someone would shoot you right in your spot but you still kind of loved it.
Kate Nash.
I had left her in a closet of bubble gum sap.

Until realizing how cute she was. Not so cute that you want to throw up. Not so cute that she blends right into a crowd of hipster junks. Cute enough to see that this girl has some type of story in her. Something that goes farther than poppy "KISSS BOYYY... ijustwantyourkiss."

Something worth looking into.

So it's not the deepest thing in the world, but it's relatable. So simply relatable. One of those "I couldn't find the words that made sense until she said them."

Play something.

My personal favorite is the song "Dickhead." It's smooth with mega bluesy notes. I don't mind singing this to myself. AT ALL.

Then there's "Mouthwash." Regina Spektor meets Lilly Allen. I like tea, too.
"Dirt." Reminds me a lot of Yann Tiersen's piano. I love the man, therefore I love the song. And she's not censored, which maybe makes the sweetness of her voice 5x better.
Finally, "Nicest Thing."
Cut my heart out. I'm not sure there was ever a girl who has lived beyond adolescence who couldn't relate just a little bit to this.

"I wish I was your favorite girl. I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world. I wish I was your favorite kind of smile. I wish the way that I dressed was your favorite kind of style. I wish that you couldn't figure me out, but you always wanna know what I was about."

Right? The end gets a little too much for me, but really? It's pure desperation wrapped up into a pretty melody that makes you want to stare at your ceiling.. and then maybe go out and shake someone. Or just cry about nothing. Until you feel pathetic enough to listen to "Pumpkin Soup" again and makeout with strangers. I should have written love notes like that, rather than "Yo, I like your style."

Whatever. Everyone's got their own style. And this girl has style. Luckily for everyone around me, her vocal range is right where my vocal range likes to linger. Oh yes yes, I'll serenade you without a sexy little accent. Or maybe I'll throw it in... just for fun.

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