Saturday, February 14, 2009

Avec Amour.

Let me start by saying, the crash in Buffalo was and still is terrifying. Luckily anyone I know there is mostly okay, but it really hit too close for comfort. I've always been afraid to fly, I couldn't imagine being on a plane knowing that it's going down and knowing that you're not going to come out. Makes me sick and I really am sorry to anyone else that is still bothered by this.

Onto better news, three people have made my day so far.

1) The minivan in front of me and the SUV coming in the other direction on my way to work. This duo made my day by coming to complete stops while a scared little squirrel scampered around the middle of the road in a panic. I was freaking out for it, but they both stopped and let him pick a side. No one wants to hit a squirrel! Hooray!

2) The woman with way too much energy for 10am. She made my day by coming into my store all chatter chatter chatter making my head want to explode and in the midst of the chatter was a "Oh happy valentines day, dear." All in all the interaction lasted just under a minute. But she was charming. Thanks.

3) Another woman in the mall who took note of the pictures we hung on one side of the store to block one of our three entrances. She comes in and says "Ohh I love these pictures here. I love that you made a wall to block out all those kids. I hate those kids in here, they're always everywhere. Jumping on things. It's so inconsiderate. I like these pictures. I'm really happy for you. Yes, that's all I wanted to say. It's so good for you! Okay you have a nice day now."
YES! I hate those kids too that run in here like speeding bullets from all directions and jump on everything while I'm trying to talk to normal customers. And yes, I love these pictures for blocking their way. Thank you, lady.

I had a dream that bugs were crawling out of my pores last night. Those silver fish bugs that sneak around sinks. With little legs.
And yesterday a customer asked me my name and after said "Okay... Crispin, was it?"

No, Crispin it isn't but strange you would ask... Clowny, clown, clown, man..

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