Friday, February 27, 2009


Lent again! Started on Wednesday. Ash Wednesday. Unless you're me, and Ukrainian, then it started on Monday. Following Palm Sunday? It used to be my favorite part (even if Palm Sunday is closer to Easter -- I don't remember this far back). We would get these palm leaves that in some way were turned into crosses. They would dry up and stay forever. Really neat.

Anyway. It's the season of Lent.. I for one am not practicing any type of religion at the moment. And according to the church, I've been kicked out of the Catholic club until I go to Confession. Which at this point, would take me 40 days alone to confess every SIN I've committed since the last time I went to Confession. ... ... Ten years ago? Ever see Gran Torino? I feel like him.

Even so, during Lent you're supposed to give up something that's not necessarily good for you and your life (but you LIKE) for 40 days. Practicing religion or not, it's a nice thought. A good way to test yourself.

So I thought of what I could give up;

- My phone.
- The internet! (Even though this blog is preeettty important.)
- Target.
- Buying things I don't need!
- Saying "el oh el" in conversations.
- Drinking...?


Nothing too appealing. Or too life changing. SO, I thought about things I could ADD to my life to BETTER myself.

- Go to the gym. (40 days or BUST.)
- Drinking.... H20?
- Cleaning.
- Finding one item a day worthy of donating.
- Cook. Something.
- 3 Dinner parites!
- Spell things properly the first time! (el oh el...)
- Go to 3 museums!
- Write letters!

Yes. I can do these things. My biggest goal is to write at LEAST 30 letters ( or little love notes, or just a picture ) and physically MAIL them to people that I don't see enough/speak to enough/or simply just like.
No email. No txt. Legit mail. From my hands to yours.

And also, to try new ice creams. Ha yesss.
I have goals. I have unmentionable goals. I've got stuff to live for.

This touch of warmer weather and the smell of wet asphalt makes me want to shop. Although, giving up buying things that I don't need for 40 days could certainly save me a good amount of cash money.
We'll see...

For anyone who has never participated in Lent, it ends Easter Sunday. And if you really want to get into it, you're not supposed to eat meat on Fridays. Explore new fish and vegetarian options. After all this, it will be spring time! The perfect countdown.

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