Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nothing to do with anything.

When I was twelve I had half a mind to try to convince my mom to let me get a tattoo of a spider on my arm. Why? Because nothing was more terrifying than spiders. I wanted to be scary. Again, why? No idea.

Luckily, that never followed through. Otherwise I would have a stretched out and half bled out spider blob on my arm now. Hating the day that I thought it was a really good idea to be scary.

I listened to some music that made me want to grind my teeth out today. It had nothing other than mellow dramatic whiney metaphors for broken hearts and weird poppy "punk" music to go along with it. Substance people. Give me substance. And don't make my head hurt with your weird chords.

I'm also currently getting over a stomach virus. Fancy right? I've only ever been sick with deathly colds and a fever every now and then.
Stomach virus was all new to me. It felt like knives in my stomach... even so to this day. The thing I'm NOT accustomed to is not being able to eat. So today when I woke up, feeling much better, and very hungry, I still played it safe. Waffles. Good to go.
At work, I'm still hungry. I work with whatever I'm craving since that's what I do best; Chili dog.
I am not one to eat chili dogs. In fact... this very well may have been the second chili dog I've had in my entire life. It was so good! And it was a terrible idea. WHY someone would assume that a Chili dog, after 2 days of pure stomach sickness, would be a good idea, is so far beyond me.
Five minutes after it all went down I swear it was ready to come back up. It hurt so bad.

What can I eat?? I have soup, toast, two dozen cupcakes, tuna, cheese, canned vegetables, more pasta than I know what to do with, and rice. And also, no motivation to cook anything. All I want is a black bean and pineapple quesadilla.

.... Starving is a sad situation.

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