Friday, May 8, 2009


It's true! A new blog! It's young and it's so basic it hurts! So chic, so clean, so fresh. ( all of these things mean the same thing... round. about. )


I know. It's Tumblr. I don't even know what Tumblr is other than trendy. And obviously, I'm so trendy. A friend of mine raved so much about it that I needed to test the waters. So far, so good. I like it.

I like that I can make it all white. All of my blogs are all white ( "all" = no background noise/ no crazy graphics aside from headers... Picky ). For preference sake, I believe it's the only way to have a blog. The only way to put down cluttered thoughts is to put them down in an uncluttered space.

For anyone who knows me, my life is strictly clutter.
I could say that I'm working on cleaning up my act. But that's a lie.
I can't fight who I am, have been, will be.

Maybe THE HEAT will be clean and un rambled.
Maybe THE HEAT will make me feel cool.
Maybe not.

"Monkey see, monkey do..."

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