Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cutting your bangs too short: 101 + Swine flu.

Every once in a while the rebel inside of me takes a stand against salons and stakes the claim that I CAN IN FACT cut my bangs for FREE with scissors that I got in a 3-pack made for construction paper, just as well as a stylist can for $15 with her fancy SHEARS.

Sometimes I manage complete success. Other times, aka yesterday, I get a little over zealous and take off more than necessary.

Things needed for super short bangs:

1) Really nice, well-groomed eyebrows.
2) A headband at all times JUST IN CASE.
3) The ability to transform into a modern day pinup girl.

All in all it's not so bad. Only downer is waking up with the most insane case of bedhead ever. IT'S UNRULY I TELL YA!

In other news;

Swine flu. Pretty rad.
I heard on the news that the average "targeted age" of the swine flu was fifteen ( 15 ).
? Thanks. I'm not 15. So I guess I'm okay.

But for all the 15 year olds who ARE at danger of catching the swine, here are some sweet new face masks to protect yourself with!

I may consider sporting one of these to work. Just to be safe.
Plus, it's not often you get to appropriately wear a fashionable face mask to work.

Back to my cup-a-soup. Mmm.

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