Friday, September 11, 2009

I should come back to this blog.

I've taken a recess from here to partake in Tumblr mania and I've realized that it kind of dirties up my mind. Not in the sexual perversions way... but... When you sign in you're bogged down by so much nonsense coming from everyone else. It's hard to actually focus on what you actually need to get out of your system.

Make sense?

Not to mention I don't feel like I need to write anything fancy to get someone to <3 my post. I don't care if you <3 it or not. I don't care about my Tumbler points. All I care about is writing about what I love. And I guess writing about what I don't love. And all of those things inbetween.

So. To update.

My life is just fine. Easy come, easy go. Transitioning into fall. I like the smell of the air. Makes my lungs feel cleaner.
Snoop Dogg is playing in town tonight. $91 though. If I had $91 to toss around, not only would I be there, but I would be moving out of my place and finding somewhere with giant windows and a porch that didn't belong to a dentist.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday for her to examine my insides. The stuff she used to patch me up made me smell like metal... It's probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever experienced. It still kind of hurts too. Mostly just hate it. Hate every thing about the space down there.
Started a new part time job that I got called off of tonight! :D So for once I have a FREE FRIDAY NIGHT.
And oddly enough, no plans. No serious plans at least. But I'll still drive around and find something to do while I wait for my plans to come together.
I'm thinkin Panera for some tomato soup and grilled cheese is on the dinner agenda. Love that. Love the chill outside. Love this new dress.

The End!

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