Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Whoever told me "Don't worry, today is the shortest day of the year.. Pretty soon it'll be light at 5:30 again," last week, thank you.
This has been one of the single things that get me through a day.

Today the sun was out just a little longer than it was yesterday.
Perhaps it's temporary winter insanity, but I've come up with a laundry list of good ideas that may or may not be executed by spring time.
I'm leaning more towards the "may not," but these are good productive plans.

You know the rule; It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. ?
I'm wondering if this rule applies to painting the inside of my apartment.
I'm also wondering what would happen if I just took all of these cardboard boxes full of stuff and threw them away without looking inside. Is there anything worth any sort of value in them? Or am I just throwing away loads of potentially life changing notes from college classes covered in doodles and FLASH codes?

Oh God, Flash. There was a time when I could animate websites. Not well. Not smoothly. But they moved, faded, and had sounds. I guess I should keep those notes.

Weeds is great.
Netflix seems like a good idea now.
And hey, President Obama, welcome. Heard the lady President is very stylish. Guess we've got ourselves the next Jackie O.
The man is so well spoken.
The end!

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