Saturday, February 7, 2009

Destination unknown.

About 5 or six years ago I got hooked.
Diet Coke with Lime.
Before my bakery shift I had to have one. Not only am I not a huge fan of pop (sooo-dah) due to the stomach ache and grimy tooth feeling it gives me, but I'm not a fan of Coca-Cola.

But today, I find myself in the same situation. Yesterday, with nothing thirst quenching in my house aside from straight liquor and Cherry Coke that my Mom brought over for my tiny pre-new years eve get together, I opted for the latter. Though I'm not above an awesome mixed drink at noon, I figured it wouldn't be wise in the work ethic department.
I crack open the 42 grams of sugar. The new wide mouth opening pours amazingly well down your throat. It says it has "very low sodium." That's good, right? I experienced a caffeinated sugar high for the next two hours, then a really awesome crash and I was ready for a nap at 2:30.
Never again... ?

Until this morning, when I made my two Eggo waffles and practically NEEDED another Cherry Coke. I have it right here next to me. Making me sick with it's syrup and phosphoric acid. What have I become? Weak. That's what it is.

Today however, is a very special day. His name is Jonathan. I sold some product to Jonathan a few weeks ago, and today he's coming to pick it up. Jonathan, works for Google. GOOGLE. I google every day. There could be a million football players in here at once and Jonathan the Google-man would outshine them all. Though he may never have played football in his life, they have ALL googled at least once.
It's an honor.
I can tell that I make him nervous with my enthusiasm towards the situation. I'm hoping I'll be on my Cherry crack crash when he comes today to avoid any more awkward geek comments.

I think my week of internal silence and external motionlessness has worked a little magic. Consider it zen. Or consider driving with my window down at 9am attempting to soak in as much vitamin D as possible, therapeutic. This sun and warmer weather is very much welcomed.

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