Sunday, February 8, 2009


It wasn't as if last night got out of hand in any manner. We've certainly managed much wilder times with much more grace.
But with grace stashed in our back pockets, we managed to make things a wicked fun blur.

We went to the bar we didn't belong in. We met up with a friend. Had our drinks. Met up with more people. Had our pizza at 3am. Couldn't stand straight cause my feet are used to boots and not my old favorite heels. There was a fall. It wasn't my fall, but it was quite possibly the BEST fall ever due to what happened after it.
Hand sanitizer.
A drive home.
And into bed.

Nothing out of hand. So why on earth did I wake up at 1:30 with the worst headache of my life? I managed to get downstairs and got a few pills in my mouth. I tried to lay on the couch. Moved to the bathroom floor? Because it was cooler? And much darker. The sound of the hockey game made it worse. Whatever, it was a bad game anyway. I got too cold on the floor. CRAWLED upstairs to my room and got back in bed. Until 5pm.

I feel great now!
Maybe that's why Jay said he'd never go back there... "Last time I went to that place, it ended up really bad."
Right on.
Tonight I will eat alfredo.

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