Thursday, January 8, 2009

The longest stretch of winter.

Best toast; Buttered Italian with a little bit of rosemary sprinkled on it.

Worst idea; Working eight hours alone with no book or magazine to keep me entertained.
Post holiday drag.

But, today I'll research how to prevent dreaming. It's not normal to dream all night every night, is it? It makes me so tired.

I'll also pass on this advice I learned in college. Maybe you know this, or maybe what you were told in high school was never corrected.. After punctuating a typed sentence, you only need to use one space, not two. [ Period. Space. Not spacespace. ]
High school, why did you lie to me?
Then with the whole kerning deal you could make it look like you didn't space ANYTHING. Or! Better yet! Kern and lead it all out so your two paragraph term paper looked to be at least a page and a half. Just type it all up in Illustrator and the words "use double inch spacing," didn't mean all that much. Genius.

Great useless information.
Oh and, the Darwin Awards. You can google it. It gives you a list of how people accidentally died doing not the brightest thing. Example: Priest attached himself to a bunch of helium balloons that lifted him and floated him out over the ocean. He did this in order to "be closer to God." They sent him out with a safety parachute, a helmet, a GPS system and some type of communication device. But he didn't know how to activate the GPS to give them his location, nor did he understand the communication device. Last they saw, he was floating farther out and up and away. Never to be found.
The Darwin Awards.

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