Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My talent; I can STILL do the entire breakdown rap section from TLC's Waterfalls, done by Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez. RIP. !

AMERICA's NEXT TOP MODEL - HERE I COME. I will totally blow them away with my skills.
Perhaps Ashley and I can practice tonight while baking cookies and watching the season premiere tonight. HA! I know, it's the little things.
We need a catwalk.
And some really sexy aprons to strut in.

Speaking of sexy.
If Urban Outfitters was the only retail store left to shop in, A) I would be screwed.
B) I would wear these things on the (near) daily.

Embodiment of summer.


Yes, I'll wear wine and shorts.

If only.

I will NEVER have enough black dresses. This is coming to my closet, hell or high waters.

Yes. Yes.


Only if I can have it in this pattern.

Maybe, if you forced me into it.

Yes. $58 will get me almost two full tanks of gas though.

Welp. That'd be it. Good thing Urban is not the ONLY place to shop!
Birthday dress though? Yes. Yesss.
Other news?
Two football players lost at sea.
Economy still "sucks."
And.. there are probably 10 new ways to get flatter abs.
I'm not impressed!

Four days left until DAY LIGHT SAVINGS.

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